Conext™ Insight 2 Web Portal

Product Description
Conext™ Insight 2 is a cloud-based platform for end users and installers to remain connected to and manage a portfolio of customer sites. It is a simple tool for users to track their system performance. The Conext™ Insight 2 brings solar monitoring to a whole new level:
Multi-sites monitoring
Energy sources (generator, solar, grid, battery) analyses and comparisons
Multi-sites firmware update and upgrade
Conext Insight 2 is a monitoring solution based on a web portal allowing a remote access and a local interface: Conext Gateway. Data push to the Cloud from devices via the Conext Gateway is performed through Modbus and Xanbus communication protocols.
Product Features
Latest innovative technology at your fingertips
Data availability at anytime from everywhere
Data consistency and integrity through management of data storage strategy
Automatic software updates allowing you to focus on your business
Data security strengthened: protect your data and minimize threats
Hardware savings: reduce on-premise hardware expenses throughout the entire project life
For more information on the product, please download our brochure.